Understanding the Role of Cybersecurity in Connected Cars

Modern vehicles generate immense amounts of data daily, necessitating robust cyber security measures. With increasingly complex autonomous, electric and connected cars available on the market, hackers now have more ways than ever before to gain entry to them and access their systems.

Car hacks present an immense threat to the automotive industry and necessitate a change of mentality on part of businesses that were traditionally immune from such crimes. What steps can manufacturers take to protect their products against these dangers?

Security Vulnerabilities

As cars evolve to become an extension of our smartphones and depend on multiple software systems, they have become prime targets for hackers looking to access information or take control of the vehicle remotely or track down your location. When connected to the internet 24/7 they can easily be compromised using simple and low cost tools – often within minutes!

Automotive industries must prepare themselves to fend off cyber attacks in the years ahead. This requires building cybersecurity into every vehicle from its inception and regularly testing to detect and address vulnerabilities.

Hacking attacks on vehicles can incur enormous financial losses for OEMs due to forensic costs, lost sensitive information, impact on business operations, compensation to customers and recall costs. Therefore, OEMs should take proactive measures to secure their Connected Cars against these threats by employing Network Security mechanisms like segregating safety critical networks from those connected with the internet and other security strategies.


Consumers expect their connected car to provide them with convenience features like streaming music and social media apps or using dictation software – from streaming music and social media accessing social media apps, dictation software to basic tasks such as navigating traffic and buying gas.

All this connectivity creates a lucrative target for hackers. They can gain entry to cars’ systems and use them to spy on drivers, steal personal data or even hijack vehicles.

Automotive manufacturers must implement security by design to address these risks, by instituting secure communication protocols and encrypting all vehicle-generated data consistently. Furthermore, industry-wide security standards must be developed so all stakeholders adhere to them, helping build consumer trust and promoting an overall safer automotive ecosystem. It is vital for automakers to collaborate with cybersecurity experts and government bodies when setting these standards; by doing so, they can share knowledge, insights, and best practices to jointly address emerging threats together.


Cars today are filled with digital innovations. From infotainment connectivity to over-the-air software updates, connected cars generate vast amounts of data that is vulnerable to cyber attacks – creating unique cybersecurity and privacy challenges for automotive manufacturers.

Car manufacturers need to collaborate with cybersecurity experts and government bodies in establishing industry-wide security standards in order to avoid these threats, which range from remote hacking and theft of personal data for fraudulent uses, as well as taking over control of vehicle functions. In order to mitigate such threats, car manufacturers should collaborate with cybersecurity specialists and government bodies on setting industry-wide security standards.

To do so, they must employ security by design and encrypt all data transmitted between vehicles while at rest and while moving. Furthermore, companies should utilize a unified management system which implements consistent security practices across their entire automotive supply chains – this will help guarantee that cars offer truly secure and private experiences to their users.


As modern cars rely on technology more and connect to an internal network of components, cyber criminals will have more chances than ever to target these vehicles – whether by simply stealing information or by taking control of its functions.

Safety risks stem from taking control of steering and brakes, but can also involve manipulating lights, horn, windshield wipers or privacy concerns related to data stored or shared between cars via car-sharing services.

Cybersecurity should be at the core of every design and development decision for connected cars from inception. As regulations and legislation continue to shift, manufacturers will need innovative solutions that ensure security of all aspects of a connected car from infotainment systems, communication networks and control algorithms – with regular software updates the best way forward.

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