You can make payments for your auto insurance by using a checking account. Depending on the insurer, you can send paper checks or electronic checks. You’ll need the bank routing number and account number for electronic check deposits. To use an auto insurance checking deposit, you’ll need to provide theContinue Reading

With the advancement in automotive technology, it’s never been easier to work on cars and get the repairs done quickly. Today, mechanics are able to create online scheduling systems. Customers simply type in their VIN, model, and preferred time to have the auto serviced. They’ll receive an email describing theContinue Reading

The Automotive Industry Association released its April automotive production data today. Compared with the same time period last year, overall car and commercial vehicle production fell by 0.3 percent to 1,144 thousand 356 units. The production of engines and transmissions declined by seven percent. This suggests that the UK’s automotiveContinue Reading

Car classification schemes are created by governments and private organizations for various purposes. Among these purposes are regulation, categorization, and description. Here is a look at the different types of classifications and how they are applied to cars. Read on to learn more about car classification. We will also discussContinue Reading